Sunday, April 27, 2008

Just what is Chelada anyway?

srsly... chill., originally uploaded by Matt Westervelt.

OK. this is freaking me out. A while back, I was in the QFC and saw Chelada!. This weekend, there's another one. Except it's different. Completely different. First was Clamato and Budweiser.. Now it's Miller and Lime.. I can actually see adding lime to beer, I do it to get the skunk out of Corona, and it's pretty much accepted universally in mexican-beer-land. The slightest chance of clamato pretty much insures that I'll never ever say "Pick me up a Chelada at the QFC".

Don't marketing people look at their competition's campaigns? What the hell?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you order a beer in Mexico City or anywhere in southern Mexico the bartender will ask if you want Michelada or "chelada"--- Its basically a cold glass with about a quarter lime juice poured in first, then beer poured over it. With salt on the rim. It refreshing and tasty. I think sometimes people put clamato in it... that might have a different name though.

I dont think it can be remade in a premade beer bottle.

Yet another great idea from the motherland :)
