Saturday, April 26, 2008

bike tweak

bike tweak, originally uploaded by Matt Westervelt.

It's officially spring. Joe Bar is having it's annual Bike Tweak today. If you've been putting off your bicycle maintenance all winter, cruise on up and they'll lube your chain and make sure your brakes work when you hit that Roy to Belmont curve.

Bike Tweak is a good time, and though they can bring your dusty old basement bomber back from the near-dead, they don't promise miracles. Last year, I brought my 1986 Haro Sport freestyler, and they told me it was unsafe at any speed. Bent axles, cracked front bearings, scary scary cables and disintegrating tires. I had hoped that armed with a checklist I would have it back on the road this year, but unfortunately I just couldn't come up with the motivation to do it. Maybe next year...

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