Friday, July 11, 2008

Wii Wednesdays!

wii-wednesdays, originally uploaded by Matt Westervelt.

Pretty much every wednesday, the SeattleWireless crew has HackNight at my office, then we wander off to a bar for drinks until we get a craving for tacos. This week, we went up to the Rubber Ducky Regatta at Cal Anderson park, said our farewells to Vivace, and dropped into the Metropolitain Grill Cafe Metropolitain for a couple of cold PBRs.

We discovered that in addition to the $1 PBRs during happy hour, the Metropolitain has Free WiFi, Foosball, Pool, and wednesdays full of Wii playing. Needless to say, we got our Wii on and knocked back a bunch of cheap beer.

For a bar that has a billion little distractions, it always seems light on people (although there did appear to be a stitch and bitch in progress when we showed up). Maybe it's the weird disney/vegas-esque indoor outdoor theme, maybe it's just because it's out of the way, or on the way to other places.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, that's the angry lesbian SnB. At least they always appear angry to me when I've been in there.