Wednesday, January 16, 2008

sustainable capitol hill @ office nomads

I stopped in to Office Nomads today for some coffee and BS, and saw this on the event board.

Sustainable Capitol Hill doesn't have a webpage to link to, but I've been assured there is a communications committee working on it.

There isn't a set agenda other than potlucking and a general meeting (what we see on the board).

I don't know much about Sustainable Capitol Hill, so I asked Susan at Office Nomads about it.

Organizationally, Sustainable Capitol Hill is an email list ( and a lot of meetings. There are monthly meetings, and committee meetings. If you're interested in joining up, you apparently just mail the list saying you're interested or show up to a meeting.

The email list is about 90 people, the general meetings usually have about 20 people. Since this is a potluck, and potlucks mean food, I would expect to see a bigger turnout.

A quick rundown of the Committees included

Mapping Committee - cartography of the hill. landmark trees, historical buildings, neat stuff on the hill. put it all on a map.

Friends of Recycling committee - Working with the city to get buildings to improve their recycling efforts

Imagine Capitol Hill committee - organizing a summer festival!

Communications committee - working on the website

Arts and Crafts committee - Tank tops to totes.

SCCC median rehab committee - working to replant the median at SCCC that is currently full of rocks and other non-growing things.

there are other committees planned, but we didn't get into them, if you want to know more, stop by and check it out!

Update!: The Sustainable Capitol Hill website is now up!

1 comment:

Gabriel Scheer said...

You're right- but within moments (er, a week or so), we'll have a website: We hope to see you (all) there!